Passionate Full Stack Developer! 


👋 Hello, I'm Krishna Kant Singh, a passionate MERN Full Stack Developer with a solid foundation in MERN (MongoDB, Express.js, React, Node.js) technologies, I've been crafting web solutions that merge elegant design with robust functionality.

🚗 My journey in the tech world has equipped me with a deep understanding of front-end and back-end development, allowing me to create seamless user experiences.

🤝 I firmly believe in the power of teamwork and open communication. I enjoy learning from my peers, sharing insights, and collectively achieving remarkable results. My dedication and perseverance drive me to overcome obstacles and deliver high-quality work, even in the face of challenges.


DSA problem solved


Projects completed


Year of experiences


React Native
React JS
Next JS
Node JS
Tailwind CSS


  • Soft Skills Training @Hablar

    2023 - Present | Bhubaneswar, Odisha
    • Engaged in group activities and discussions to reinforce learned concepts and apply them in real-world scenarios.
    • Developed interpersonal skills to build positive relationships with colleagues, clients, and stakeholders.
    • Utilized teamwork and collaboration strategies in group projects, reflecting the importance of these skills in a development team.
  • Full Stack Developer Training @Coding Ninjas

    2022 - Present | Gurgaon, Delhi
    • Applied theoretical knowledge to real-world projects, gaining practical insights into MERN stack development.
    • Collaborated with peers on projects, simulating a team-based development environment.
    • Demonstrated adaptability by learning and working with a wide range of technologies within the MERN stack.
  • Java and Data Structures & Algorithms (DSA) Program @Coding Ninjas

    2022 - 2023 | Gurgaon, Delhi
    • Gained proficiency in Java programming language, mastering its syntax, data structures, and object-oriented programming (OOPs) concepts.
    • Developed a strong foundation in Data Structures & Algorithms, enhancing problem-solving skills and algorithmic thinking.
    • Acquired knowledge of key programming paradigms and design principles, contributing to writing efficient and scalable code.


  • Full Stack Development

    Coding Ninjas || 2022-2023 || Online
    • Developed strong problem-solving skills through algorithmic challenges and coding exercises.
    • Developed a comprehensive understanding of how data flows between the front-end and back-end, ensuring seamless communication.
    • Implemented secure user authentication using industry-standard practices, ensuring user data protection.
    • Willingness to acquire new skills and knowledge, embracing a continuous learning mindset.
  • Bachelor's Of Science

    Veer Kunwar Singh University (VKSU) || 2018-2021 || Arrah, Bihar
    • Completed Bachelor's degree in Science with a 68% score, showcasing a solid foundation in a diverse range of subjects.
    • Actively engaged in self-directed learning during free time, focusing on programming and IT-related subjects.
    • Demonstrated a commitment to continuous learning, staying updated with the latest advancements in the tech industry.
    • Showcase adaptability by successfully transitioning from a science background to pursuing a passion in technology.
  • Intermediate Of Science

    Bihar Secondary Educational Board (BSEB) || 2016-2018 || Dehri, Bihar
    • Completed Intermediate education with a 55% score in the PCM (Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics) stream.
    • Engaged with challenging problems in Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics, fostering the ability to tackle complex issues.
    • Acquired cross-functional skills by navigating through different science subjects, showcasing adaptability and versatility.
    • Embraced a mindset of continuous learning, recognizing that challenges are opportunities for growth.
  • Matriculation

    Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) || 2016 || Aurangabad, Bihar
    • Achieved a perfect CGPA of 10, reflecting consistent high performance across all subjects in the CBSE curriculum.
    • Successfully managed time to balance multiple subjects, assignments, and extracurricular activities.
    • Demonstrated punctuality and regular attendance, contributing to a disciplined academic environment.
    • Shared knowledge and insights with classmates, contributing to a collaborative learning environment.